Sunday, January 30, 2011

Nyx and Erebus Family


Goddess Nyx is a primeval Goddess and the symbol of Night. Nyx was born out of Chaos and was sister as well as wife of Erebus. Nyx and Erebus embodied the dark silence and had 15 dark children.


God Erebus was the symbol of Darkness. His consort appears to be Nyx,the Goddess of Night. Erebus spreads his gloomy mists to obscure Aether's shining day light at Night. Hemera wafts him away each morning as she(Hemera) is the Goddess of Day.


God Aether is the first-born elemental God. He is the symbol of Light and the God of the upper atmosphere. He is illuminated with the Heavenly Light. Aether is the son of Nyx and Erebus. He is also the wife and sister of Hemera.


Goddess Hemera is the daughter of Erebus and Nyx. Hemera is the symbol of day. She is closely identified with Hera,the Queen of Heaven ,and Eos,Goddess of the Dawn.


God Aer is the Air God of the Lower Atmosphere. He is the son of Nyx and Erebus.


Charon is the ferryman of the dead. He transports souls across the River Styx to the gates of the Underworld. He is the son of Erebus and Nyx.


God Thanatos is the God of Death and he is also the son of Erebus and Nyx. Thanatos works for Hades.


God Hypnos is the God of Everlasting sleep and God of Dangerous Addictions. He works for Hades and has 3 sons. Morpheus,Phobetor and Phantatos are his sons. All his sons are the Gods of Sleep and Dreams. Hypnos is the son of Nyx and Erebus.


God Eros is the God of Love,Desire and Fertility. He is the son of Erebus and Nyx.


God Anteros is the God of Mutual Love. Instead of causing people to fall in love with each other, he punishes people who scorn the loving advantages of others. He is also the son of Erebus and Nyx.


The Goddesses of Fates are the daughters of Nyx and Erebus. Clotho is the one who spins the thread of Life. Lachesis is the one who allots the length of the yarn. Atropos is the last one who snip the yarn of Life.


Goddess Enyo is the Goddess of war,Blood and Violence. She is a relative of Ares,the War God. her best friend is Eris and she's also one of the Graeae sisters.


Sister of Ares,the war God. Goddess Eris is the Goddess of Strife and Discord. Goddess Eris was the one who cause the Trojan war. She stoled one of the Golden Apples of Immortality given to Goddess Hera (also the queen of Heaven) as a wedding present by the Goddess Gaia,and turned it into the sour Apple of Discord. She and her apple caused the Trojan war to be a total chaos,confusion and top quality bitching! Goddess Eris played a joke on the other Gods and Goddesses and the Gods and Goddesses all started this Trojan war. When the Gods and Goddesses are fighting, Goddess Eris and Goddess Nemesis were not helping. They were the ones who were laughing at the joke!